27 Şubat 2014 Perşembe

Black out, No More!

Pakistan is facing electricity shortage very badly. It’s obvious that government can’t solve energy crises in a short time. As a result of not very efficient governance, the energy crises is affecting the farming sector negatively.
Due to the frequency of power cut, one of the progressive farmers in Hyderabad thought outside the box and installed an innovative solar panel in the region. He irrigates also his crops thanks to this solar power energy without power cut.  It seems to be a long way to solve energy problems but is a step forward to it. Pakistani people should not forget that they have enough sunny days! 

16 Şubat 2014 Pazar

Banana Wind Breakers

In Sindh Province (Pakistan) one of the main crop is banana and will increase the following years. The reason is that local people call the banana "cash crop".  Asim Agriculture Farm (AAF) is one of the few extraordinary progressive farms in Sindh. In order to prevent wind damages AAF engineers have planted tall varieties of banana all around the field and with this simple method , they are able to decrease probability of severe disasters at their farm. 
According to IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) the climate Change predictions in Pakistan will be dangerous due to the global warming. In Tando Allahyar some people already started to follow AAF’s good practices.

14 Şubat 2014 Cuma

Conjunctive win win

Due to the lack of drainage network in Sindh province (Pakistan) the  majority of the farmers are facing water logging problems and as a result,  soil is becoming saline day by day. Once the field becomes saline, farmers can not harvest… As the majority of Pakistani’s income is dependent on agriculture, if they dont open drainage networks, people will face more difficulties… 
Some of farmers dug their own surface drainage. In this video from the Nawazabad Farm, it shows a very simple surface drainage canal that not only balances groundwater level but also collects seepage from the canal and used as water shortage. Basically Nawazabad farm is doing conjunctive water use at their field.
In these kind of areas where  there is water scarce, one of the best solution is conjunctive water use.